The mission of the Oregon Athletic Bands is to enhance the Oregon collegiate experience while positively representing the University of Oregon. Our high-caliber musical and visual performances engage the crowd at home and abroad. We take pride in our values of education and professionalism, as well as in our student-led tradition of excellence as reflected in our rehearsals and public appearances. Booyah.
What does Band Council do?
The Oregon Athletic Band Council (OABC) is a group of student leaders that handles many logistical activities that encompass the Oregon Marching Band. We plan and help with several "behind the scenes" aspects of the OAB, including:
Who is in Band Council?
OABC is composed of members from a variety of sections in the band, including woodwinds, brass, percussion and color guard, as well as the drum majors. Anyone in the OAB is welcome to join band council. We strive to have representation from each specific instrument section.
When does Band Council meet? OABC meets every Tuesday in the School of Music, generally at 7PM in Room 140. Check the Home page for the most recent meeting times.
Are Band Council meetings open to all OAB members?
Absolutely! We encourage any and all band members to come to our meetings and participate in discussions, share their concerns about band or simply see what we’re all about!
How do I join Band Council?
Start coming to meetings, talk to the council, and get involved! OABC applications are taken year-round and can be obtained by contacting the OABC President.
Are there any opportunities for me to become an OABC officer?
Yes! The OABC holds elections for its executive officers and committee chairs during winter term. Anyone who is a member of OABC may run. Positions include: President, Vice President, Secretary, Festival of Bands Chair, Activities Chair, Communications Chair, Historian, Treasurer, and Recruiting Chair. In addition, the position of Webmaster is appointed by the President, and each of our Drum Majors are officers as well.
Can I get course credit for Band Council?
Yes! Band Council is a 1-credit class (MUE 406) offered fall, winter and spring. Sign up for it on DuckWeb like you would any other class.
What is FoB?
FoB stands for Festival of Bands, an annual high school marching band competition hosted by the Oregon Marching Band. It serves as our major fundraiser for the year. A great deal of time and energy goes into planning and running this event. The OABC Vice President serves as the student coordinator for Festival of Bands. Many aspects of the festival, including logistics, program design, posters, advertising, parking, band guides, stadium prep and clean up, are organized by OABC and run by members of the OAB.
We always welcome help with Festival of Bands! Feel free to talk to the Festival of Bands Chair if you’re interested!
(NOTE: The 2013 Festival of Bands has been cancelled. Stay tuned for its return in 2014!)
Photos courtesy of Tom Emerson, Jack Liu, Nicole Clark, Melinda McConnel, and Kate Rohrich
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